Monday, June 9, 2008

Report From Art Fair in Kalamazoo..

The tornadoes hit Kalamazoo Friday afternoon at 5 o'clock.Our tents were already set-up but with no work in them.After dinner and several beers we returned to the show grounds.Lucky for us the park where the show is 2o feet in elevation below the path of the storm and we had no damages other than several wrecked pop=up canopies. Over night horizontal rain hit the motel actual causing windows sills to flood but we did not lose power.The Event was held.Despite the fact that the county is now a disaster area ,some customers actually came to the event and bought some pieces during the tornado alert with the sirens going off during Saturday morning.It threatened to storm most of the day.I got the category award and sold some work,packing promptly at 5:00 eastern standard and drove home quickly.Passing through Indiana was like reliving the Wizard of Oz except I saw Charlton Heston in his Moses costume with a thunder bolt in the sky at least twice.I got very lucky. (Lou Zale, Deerfield, IL).

(Please note that the photo above is of a tornado somewhere in the state of Michigan which is being used to illustrate the text,n&b).

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